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jQuery plugins to enhance your webpages to give you a better visual experience and reduce the effort you need to put on development

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This plugin shows contents on a webpage as an animated page. This plugin allows you to choose from three intoduction animations for the page whether to animate the page on the left, right or center of the webpage.

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This plugin creates animations on mouse click. animateClick has 5 animations to enhance your button clicks or clicks on any element in your webpage. The plugin allows you to define the color and size of the animations as well.

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ajSlider is an image and content slideshow plugin which can be used as the main banner for your webpages or as a image gallery. ajSlider allows you to create fullscreen responsive one page gallery sliders

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notifier is a jQuery plugin to push notifications on a webpage either at a specified time or at a button click ( or even as a part of a button function). Decide for yourself when you required to push a notification. You can even push your advertising columns as notifications.

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infoBox is a simple jQuery plugin to create information signs on your webpages which would display data on mouseover. The mouseover info boxes will resemble the conversation/message boxes. These boxes will be aligned perfectly without moving out of the page.

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markerPen is a jQuery plugin to create a marker tool to highlight contents on your webpages. This plugin would come handy if you are creating webpages for academic purpose where one can mark details while reading through a huge junk of data to help refer back previously read data.

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